Thursday, 22 March 2012

Standing up line test

Line test of the moon standing up, start of second dance scene 12fps.
I definitely need a lot more in-betweens and the start i need another key frame as the arm movements is far to quick, i think in volume and proportion consistency is ok, but the face changes a little too much for my liking.
i went down on the detailed as i followed through with the movement as the movement at the moment required full attention and was difficult to work on as the original reference footage we were using was removed by youtube.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there my lover ! from what i can see your sitting to couching movement is well done the only thing i can suggest for improvement is that when she is almost standing i think she should lean in further forward and have her feet arched to support the weight a little more. Or to get around that you can have the back leg unfold so when she is standing up the angle would be fine as the back leg would support the weight and still look fairly graceful, when i see you i will be able to explain better, hope that helps some.
