Wednesday, 28 March 2012

The Dance scene (in progress)

Hi i've put some in betweens in. I can see at first when she start's spinning that she moves slightly to the left and also some of the timing is a bit of. Could you guy's help me out and have a look to see what i can improve on. Also these are not all the imbetweens. 

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Line test 2

here is my second attempt drawing the girl, i shall add more detail later on.

Line test lion draft animation

Just started to linetest what i have and see how it looked so far! Need to correct the nose a little when i go over it in ink

lion with bobbing head

bit of an improvement but I think the bob is a couple of frames off so I'll try again.
Henry i found a cool slow motion lion run for you

(2:24 onwards)
Hi all, I will be using this video as reference for the lion turning. I will use the lioness turning around to rotoscope a lion turning around instead.


I may post other ones that incase i might find them useful for me or for you guys doing the lion

Line test 2

added a few more in-betweens in the first half of the movement.

Monday, 26 March 2012

colour schemes

The moon girl in her own element/light.
This is taken from the final scene, the colouring is as such because the lion is near by, and so the colours are warmer and brighter.
Looking at earth as a shadow is cast over her, as earth reflects thelight from the sun the hue is a bit more blue but still cold in colour.

slightly improved lion run

Only slightly improved I think in regards to the tail movement. I'll try and get the tail right and add a head bob but otherwise I think we are on the homerun with this cycle. Also this is actually on doubles at the moment so I either need to do the inbetweens now or later but I'm leaning towards later to get the majority of the scenes done as this is different enough between scenes for doubles to suffice.

mapping out the pan

I did a cgi map of the pan. it annoyingly also pans back but we can just ignore that. should be useful for keeping this shot consistent thank god we didn't touch this one.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Concept Work

Hey guys
Currently waiting for some Backgrounds to dry so i thought id upload the best of my sketchbook work

Early Lion/ Sun concepts, experimented with promarkers and watercolour pens + pencils

Two scene concepts from the inital storyboard

  Here i was looking into the idea of the Lion as a skeleton bathed in flame - extensive use of watercolour and promarkers

 Here i was inspired by a drawing Craig did to depict the Lion's face as Statuesque - Promarkers and crayons

A drawing of the earth from the surface of the Moon

 Abandoned background concept
The composition was looking far too dark and the scenery was wrong, fire turned out quite well though
- Pens and Watercolour


Thursday, 22 March 2012

First Background

Hey guys heres my first background, keep in mind this is a draft in my eyes

Standing up line test

Line test of the moon standing up, start of second dance scene 12fps.
I definitely need a lot more in-betweens and the start i need another key frame as the arm movements is far to quick, i think in volume and proportion consistency is ok, but the face changes a little too much for my liking.
i went down on the detailed as i followed through with the movement as the movement at the moment required full attention and was difficult to work on as the original reference footage we were using was removed by youtube.

Monday, 19 March 2012

lion running early line test line test

I did a test to get the key poses of a lion running. Do you guys reckon it looks about right? I definitely think it will be easier than I first thought so I am happy to do this cycle definitely. The video of the leopard Lidy uploaded will help with the pan shot so I could give that a go as well if you guys think it would be worth it? just a rough one like this.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Animatic upload

Just to clarify who's working where now we are ready for production:
Craig & Lidy: Dance scenes
Lawrence: Sound and Lion
Henry D: Working with Lawrence on fire, Lion and editing.
Henry P: Backgrounds.

Look forward to seeing you tomorrow and organize when our key framing needs to be done by.

Friday, 16 March 2012


So sorry this took so long, I had uploading and internet problems one after the other.
Here is a very very rough sound added, when we've got the sound room booked we'll go through the timing and music more accuratly and in much better quality.

refernce videos

Some reference for the short Lion run, i thought this was useful as it shows it from different angles which could useful when it pans out on the final scene.

Scene from the red shoes, fear plays a nice theme here so a totally relevant reference.

the start of this Ballet has some running, which is a helpful reference for the last scene

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

The lion roaring with the same technique applied

Animatic tests on Lion

I tried to use ink to work on the lion on the animatic part of this animation to see how it goes:

Thursday, 8 March 2012

More lion concept

Hey Guys, I just wanted to upload more Lion drawings as I was bored and wanted to experiment with more of the inking techinque

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

topical song

Animatic, scene one part one

Here is the first take:
This goes a little quickly to identify any potential problems.
Here it is again at 4FPS
And  scene one again with the rest of the shots.
once again at 4PFS.

I'm really quite happy with the movements of the characters, however the background will need to be imposed as drawing it over and over cause slight inconsistency and took up a lot of time. when we come to animating the key frames we should be able to take it up to 20 seconds rather than 25.

My scene animatic

Heres my line test of the animatic. I think i might revise the timing of frames for a second shoot after this as some parts looks too quick.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Remember when i was trying to make the music sound more of my thing? i started playing this in my rendition, i wonder if it'll work Lidy=]

it wont be exaclt ythe same but i thought it was a nice coincidence seeming as it called moon river and thought i'd share and see how you feel about this?:D of course it wont be as fast and i can give it a kind of sad undertone if you want^^