Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Script second draftr

 Scene one 20 seconds
 CAMERA: Zoomed out shot of Sun, Earth & Moon. Begin to zoom in. Cut to Moon, thin crescent moon, camera pans down from Birdseye, revealing the moon is a stage. Camera moves until earth is visible in background.

DESCRIPTION: The physical moon is actually a stage; there’s a girl on the moon that is dancing. She glows.
CAMERA: MOON dancing, camera remains stationary.
 DIRECTION: MOON dances within in shot.
 SFX: Never ending sonata?
 DIRECTION: Moon stops dancing, walks towards they edge of stage.
 SFX music fades out/ changes to very subtle.
 CAMERA:  jux to position: behind MOON, head on left side of shot, in view: earth with the glow of sun behind.
Cut to portrait of moon looking down  at earth then looking up at SUN.
SFX: sound to synch with face/eye movements. Sharp, dark tune.
DRIECTION: MOON looks at earth- camera cuts to earth shot- and back at SUN.
CAMERA: cut to sun turning around.

DRIECTION: Cut to Profile of MOON, as suns light disappears, so does she, when she is covered in darkness she jumps of the stage and down towards earth. Disappears out of shot.
 Scene Two                    15 seconds
CAMERA: Angled high up shot
DESCRIPTION: a festival, kind of pagan style, with people dancing around it in a large field.
SFX: Radical Face- Winter is coming incorporated tune, last minute of song. Fire crackling faint in the background.
 Direction: MOON dances central within group while music plays.
 CAMERA: cuts to SUNS face, the rest of body become visible, looks angrily down at earth.
 SFX: Initial tunes fades, into a more sinister tune. (start of “winter is coming”)
 Camera: switch shot to facial shot of the sun.
Direction SUN angry facial expression braces itself and roars.
SFX: stops, complete silence.
 Camera: focused on MOONS face:
 Direction: MOON freezes on the spot in the silence.
 SCENE 3                                   15 seconds
 Camera: Wide angle shot.

Direction: MOON hastily turns away from fire and crowd, looks behind and upwards as she runs.

Camera: Cut to, behind moon.
Direction: MOON hops into the sky.
Camera: Cut to view of the stage with earth in the background.
Direction: MOON floats above platform, gently lands, looks across to where SUN is.
Camera: Cut to behind MOON, earth is no earth in background
Direction: MOON is looking around frantically, SUN is not where usually is.
Camera: pan to front shot of SUN. Cut to side shot.
Directions: SUN walking towards MOON slow and menacingly Moon backs away. They both Pause. MOON very quickly breaks into a run, leaving her platform. SUN hesitates then chases after her.
Camera: slowly zoom out, pan right,
Direction: As the camera zooms out SUN and MOON are Seen circling earth.
final shot: 5 seconds.

Making sense of time will become easier once we've gone through a story board and begin to develop the animatatic.
as i did a fair bit of change and condensing, I'll do the story board for Thursday.


  1. In regards to this, do you think we should all work on a rough storyboard in our sketch books based on this? =] we could work on the animatic after that too if you wish^^

  2. I'll do the script re write thing but do we have a title?
