Monday, 30 April 2012

The Backgrounds

Hey guys
Here are the backgrounds in order of appearence
Ive now made all the final changes

1.First Shot

2.The Moon

3. The Sun Turns

4. Starfield 1

5. Birdseye View

6. The Fire

7. The Roar

8. Flight

9. The Long Look Part 1

 10. The Long Look Part 2

11. Starfield 2

12. Final Shot

Earth and the Moon seperate

Thursday, 26 April 2012

The inbetweens so far. Its not much but just wanted to record my progress=]

standing up

so far shot in doubles at 24 fps this is just the keyframes.

incase that player doesn't work here's the youtube link.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Animation Distribution

just so everyone knows where they're working, here's a little list to say who's doing what over the next two weeks.

Craig- keyframing Moon
Dunbar- Lion key framing, computer and colour testing- inbetween for craig
Pucknell- Backgrounds- inbetweens for Dunbar
Lawrence sound- inbetween for Lidy
Me- Key framing moon- working wiht sound-working with computer/colour test
any problems?

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Here’s the first attempted of the nod&Turn. this is the first time we really see the characters face.
the face starts of very sqaure and hars, and become smaller, rounder and the expressions aren’t clear enough.

attempt two.
Problem with the hair concistency

 I've made the head smaller and more rounded, redlines indicatex further changes to frames i have yet to do.

lion roar sound


Lion roar doubles

Monday, 23 April 2012

Right, as we get shots done we shall move into place within the animatic.

Lion Roar

I have filmed this on both 25 fps and 12 and 12 is definitely closer to the right timing but i think it may well be worth going through and doing inbetweens to keep the frame rate up. That said we could save some serious time by not doing that.

Animatic- we start shooting this week.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Moon Model

Hey guys just showing off a model of the Moon stage i made to help me get the backgrounds including it to look as accurate as possible.

First i drew a half circle using a compas and drew a moon shape.
I then needed to grid the whole thing so i could cut it out in chunks.

Then i need to clean up all the edges.
Really should have used sand paper for this but i didnt have any to hand so filing it down with my cutting knife it was!

I then got hold of some thin card and cut it into 2 1/2 by 1 cm stripes - these are the decks of the stage

More decks glued on.

Cutting them to meet the curve of the moon and covering the whole thing is layers of PVA

And here's the finished thing.
Doubled the plasticard up and used a modeling putty to fill in any mistakes i might have made which hurt the curve of the thing.

This way i can look at the Animatic, attatch the Moon Model to a camera stand and line it up to match the angle it is in the animatic.
This saves me loads of time as i can trace the model from the printout without spending ages drawing grids and trying to get the perspective right.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Finished Backgrounds - More to come!

Hey guys!
Here are the backgrounds i have finished, should have a few more up tonight or tommorow AND il upload finished photo's of something else ive been working on which will help speed things up.

  Starting Shot
Ok so here's the first shot of the animation. On the far left will be the animated Lion.
NOTE: I need to go back and redo the moon as its the wrong shape

 Moon Z oom
This is the shot where we zoom in on the moon
NOTE: Once again the moon is the wrong shape and need's to be changed

Moon platform Z oom - Still being used?
Here's an unfinished mid turn zoom shot of the moon, im waiting on Henry's 3D Animation to help with this. This shot could well end up being scraped - hence i havent finished it yet

Sun Turning Around
Here's the background where the Sun turns its back on the moon letting her escape - pretty happy with this one, need to get rid of those watermarks though ha ha

Birds Eye View of the field
Here's the first shot of the scene when we zoom in on the camp with the fire, ive lit the grass in the area where i expect the fire will be in all these shots.

Fire Shot
Here's the shot where we are looking directly at the camp fire with the villagers gathered around

Close Up
Here's the shot that comes directly after the Sun's roar, the spirit of the Moon has a close up where she looks to the sky with a fearful expression - thus the background has to zoom right along with her
NOTE: The watercolour paper has gone alittle funny on this one, il see if i can fix it up tonight
Would Appreciate some feedback on these, expect to see another post from me tonight! :D



 If I have missed anything out, let me know, also I'd like it if we can stick to this timetable a little more strictly than last weeks.
Seeing as we don't have long left.
Also, huge emphasis, to put everything you do as you do it onto this blog please a swell as keeping you personal ones up to date if you have them.

Thursday, 19 April 2012


I'm finding the fire very tricky. Do we already have a style? If not is this ok? I'm not sure I like it at all.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Proportions of the moons bodys

Hey I've added the proportions on here to hope they help.

Lion turning around

I linetested the work i did over the Easter today, does it need to be longer at the end?

Monday, 16 April 2012

I've put together a timetable for this week, i'm not going to be  able to come in this week but i shall be available to work and and will eb available overnight on Skype, i'm following this time table aswell.
this does allow a little time for leeway.